The Review Policy

General Reviews
I will review nearly any YA fiction, although very rarely will a horror novel arise among my reviews, I am also open to middle grade novels and adult novels to a certain point (if you're not sure, send me an email).

I do take requests from readers, however I cannot guarantee that I will be able to review every novel due to availability or other conflicts. The likelihood of my reviewing novel that you suggest is about a 90% chance, which is pretty fair so please feel free to send me a requests.

I will recognize suggestions through Twitter, email, comments, and Goodreads (Please refer to the Contact Me page for more information!).

To Publishers and Authors

I would be pleased to receive an Advanced Reader's Copy of your YA novel (hard copies only for the moment). To have me review said ARCs, please contact me via email with:

  • The publisher's information
  • The author's information
  • A Brief Synopsis of the book
Thank you so much everybody!